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BLOG: Image


Don't be conformed to this world, be adaptable.


Be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, faithful in prayer.


Be generous with the different gifts you’ve been born with so others may receive the joy, happiness, and benefits of it. If it’s your...

// I AM

Whatever comes after I AM will eventually reach you, will eventually come into your life, it will find you. I AM...

//Do you remember the person...

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to...



Doing The Right Thing..

Doing the right thing is always the right thing. It might cost you time & money both big & small. However, don’t get tired, discouraged,...

Be The Light

In times of darkness, BE THE LIGHT. In times of uncertainty, BE THE LIGHT. In times of need, BE THE LIGHT. In times of discouragement, BE...


Your dream comes with a price. It will cost you time, energy, sweat, effort, and discipline. You can't just talk about it, you have to...


Seasons Change. We must embrace its unique characteristics. Stay faithful in it. How we leave the passing season will determine how we...


//PERSPECTIVE It’s challenging to see the good in things when you are so close and consumed with media reports, COVID-19 conversations,...


Words have power! Words can be hurtful or helpful. Words can draw out bitterness or draw out the best in others. Words are creative! They...


With every seed of adversity there is a seed of equal or greater benefit. Take this time during “social distancing” to do things you...


You can have visions and dreams, but without the drive of endurance to sustain you, it will never happen. What amount of pain would you...

Clarity > Chaos

Clarity > Chaos Create order in your life by removing the clutter. A messy desk, car, and room equals a messy mind. A messy calendar...


It’s about fighting for our dreams, goals, and visions not fighting with the people we love, cherish, and respect. We accomplish only...


Too often, the story we tell ourselves is based on the words we have heard from someone else. Too often, it's negative words that stuck...

BLOG: Blog2
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